Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fuck Art

Last week we had a creative spell and turned our plain old, ordinary garage into The Slut Alley Factory.
It is our new kick-on den, and creative space. I bet the neighbours will love it when we get the drums and a guitarrr in there. Ahhaha owned!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bendirat Part 2

The next morning we all woke up with about 15 minutes til check-out. We somehow managed not only to get out of our hotel within 15 minutes of waking up, but also made it to Macca Dees within half an hour for the last few minutes of breakfast menu.

We again hit the road, and headed to Bendigo for Groovin the Moo =)

Millballz and I didnt have tickets, but when we ran out of ideas on how to sneak in, we decided to just buy tickets. And oh it was worth it!
We made awesome new friends,
We chilled in the sun and listened to mad tunez,
We danced and sang along to Art vs Science "Parlez vous francais? HEy. Parlez vous Francais? HEY",
We ran out of cigarettes and had to ask randoms for some,
and we saw De La Soulll and so many other great bands.

When the sun went down we got sooo damn cold that we just had to bail.

The car ride back to Melbourne was nice and mellow, drifting in and out of consciousness, venturing deeper and deeper into the almost endless tunnel created by the car headlights on the tree lined highway. Only the occasional car zooming past in the opposite direction would remind me where I was and that I wanted another cigarette.
Then all of a sudden we were back in civilisation in Richmond. Bendirat was in the past. Our beloved roadtrip was over.


Bendirat Part 1

We planned a roadtrip to go see The Scare and Reptiles on Friday night in Balarat, then head to Bendigo on Saturday for Groovin The Moo. None of us could have possibly expected it to be as much fun as it was.

The drive was awesome. There was music blasting, cigarette ash flying, gin and tonic spilling. We had nuts and Mary Jane by the bagfuls.

Before we knew it we were stopped at a servo 15 minutes from Balarat to get fuel and food. Me, Millballz and Daniel were on a nut diet by this stage however, and wanted only cigarettes and a drink refill, then we were back on the road.

When we got to B-rat we found our hotel, got changed into our sneaky disguises, crushed some more nutz and headed to Karova Lounge for the gig.

Millballz aka Electra the secret agent

Hahaha Rattus
Before the bands started we took charge of the pool room and jukebox, and created what I'm sure was a horrible sight. 6 kids running around with wigs on and shoes off. Lying on the pool table. Sitting on the floor. Singing 'Tiny Dancer' into a pool cue. Spilling beer. With pupils like dinner plates

These people are absolutely amazing

Karova was pretty quiet, but in all honesty, we were making enough of a ruckus to make the place feel full (And we were so reckless on the d-floor that there was really no room for anyone else haha)

The Scare are mad cunts, and of course Reptiles rocked it too as usual. Unfortunately they all headed back to Melb town after the gig, so we had no choice but to kick on without them

Part two to come....

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Leaf Series

An Autumn Sunday afternoon spent at LOLpark, where all lovers, dog walkers and FuLlY SikZ kICks-2-kICKS, each alike, congregate .

we decided to join in the congregation, with snacks, phat beatz and coola in hand.

we lay

we slept

and therefore withered and weary we found refuge in-between the copious amounts of desiccated, crisp leaves.

we really grew to enjoy the leafs....
they were really great.
as great as
TeH mOtH controller !

mothtroll fail.

all in all an autum day well spent...


Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Scorpion King 3: Revenge of the Mind

when you wake up to a mystery black man peering into your bedroom at 11am, its clear your day is going to be an interesting one
yes. a random dude walked into our house while we were sleeping and decided to come into my room and talk gibberish to me
apparently there were people upstairs having some sort of party, so of course my first reaction is OOOH theres people upstairs? KICKKK ONNN
but no, when i went upstairs there were no people. just sleeping millie. and then of course when i went back downstairs, mystery black man was gone
was i tripping balls? or was mystery black man really there? i think its safe to say it was a little bit of both

then the day just got more interesting. slut alley tv party, impromptu photo shoot, mary jane, gin and tonics, mill starting some guy walking down the street thinking he was mystery black man, cigarettes, skating sesh, fish and chips

after stuffing our faces with fish and chips we got sleepy. tried napping but then decided a nut washed down with goon and green cordial would cure our ailment. and that it did
we found some people we knew at a house partee down the road. sourced out a kitchen bench and served ourselves up some more crushed nut
after that, things get a little sketchy. we danced, we wandered and went on adventures, got a family portrait with mum and dad, saw cat woman and cinderella, met someone who was a care bear in a previous life, then stumbled into the realms of 'no-sentenceville'
eventually we returned home to mary jane. she gave us a quick lesson on physics and string theory and parallel universes before sending us to bed

safe to say, the scorpion ate my mind

- jac

Slut Alley photo-shoot

Photo props to Daniel. And of course some creative credit goes to Mary Jane
