Monday, August 11, 2008

stab a motherfucker

ahh sunday brews. beers were smashed as usual. it was swell.
on our way home, we noticed these lights on the wall. it was also pretty swell cos it kept changing.
in front of the wall we also realized this crazy pig on a pole. the realized we don't actually notice half the stuff around the city, even tho we are pretty much here every day. but melbourne is pretty rad. 
i thought as long as we are doing shit tourist photos, we need to get a picture of starbucks. it looked warm.
those darn tourist
we found these crazy dudes. it was dark. then when we took their picture their scary faces came up. its fucked. as if they put this stuff in the middle of the street. they look like fucking zombies
we found this escalator. there was some crazy pop music playing so we decided to go upstairs
i'm pretty shit.
we saw this as the perfect opportunity for one of those classic  mirror shots. there were lots of mirrors.
we got up stairs. there was some crazy pop music. it was catchy. there were also heaps of vending machine games. and it was really really white.
then we saw these sweet kicks.
we thought we needed some more shit tourist photos.
this one is pretty epic. i dont know what it was but what they hey
this place reminded us of some sorta mushroom land. 
it had some fucking green grass, then we came to a conclusion it was like alice in wonderland.
we found this rad door.  i think we spent like 5 hours just trying to jump of the step.
then about 6 hours later we finally got to flinders street.
oh wait no we didnt. not yet. instead some lady i think was pretty drunk took out photo infront flinders. the arts centre sorta looks like the Eiffel tower. 
we got closer to flinders.  flinders street station looks pretty sweet.
epic fail

no wait now we finally got to flinders street station. 

we also finally bought our tickets to japan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The second photo under epic fail is unreal!! Ps. When are you girls going to japan?! (please buy me shoes haha). See you girls soon i hope. xxx