Got rid of our luggage. Managed to find our way to the city. Found some lunch. Wandered around town in the 33 degree heat in search for a cafe. Easy task we thought, but we were soon proven wrong. The best we could do was a Gloria Jeans on Oxford street, where we well and truly saw the culture of Sydney town! It made us miss good old Melbourne, and crave gin and tonics at our favourite watering hole St Jeromes, so we then went in search for something with a similar vibe. No avail, but we stumbled upon Darling Harbour which was good enough. Gin and tonics were smashed.
Later we went for a stroll to the supermarket for snacks; carrot, pasta salad, lemonade, snow peas, grapes, chips and dip; and then we had a lovely picnic in the park where locals presumed us to be homeless haha.
Later we went for a stroll to the supermarket for snacks; carrot, pasta salad, lemonade, snow peas, grapes, chips and dip; and then we had a lovely picnic in the park where locals presumed us to be homeless haha.

Eventually we made our way to Surrey Hills for even more drinking before heading into The Gaelic Club to see The Futureheads. We figured seeing a gig was the best way to spend our one night out in Sydney. The gig was goooood.They got us excited. Jebus was there.
We then made our way to Kings Cross. Sydney locals were very unhelpful, but we made it. We went to Mum/Dad/World Bar/whatever you want to call it. They had no cloak room so I was carrying around my hand luggage from the plane, but thennn we remembered we bought vodka in the airport which was still in there, so we went to the bathroom and had a few shots =)

We danced, they had strobe lights, but we had our own as well so DOUBLE THE STROBELIGHTTSS.

That pretty much occupied us until closing, when we met Trystan and Jen who would not let us stop dancing! They seemed to know everyone in the club, and we very helpful and friendly, so we stayed with them for a while. 'Turning Japanese' came on and we got even moarr exciteeeddd! We explained that we were from Melbourne and were going to Japan and planned on staying out all night, so they offered to take us around and occupy us all morning. We eventually left The World Bar and hit some seedy little 24 hour place in Kings Cross. The crowd was old. We met Doogie who would have been in his 50's. He offered to buy us drinks, and when we said no he offered to buy us juice or coffee or breakfast. Odd fellow. Jen put him back in his place and sent him to the naughty corner a few times. We also got chatting with Jen and Trystan about all things Fuckcunt. We discovered Trystan is the director of The World Bar, and he suggested we try arrange a gig there. So thats what we shall do once we get back to Melb.
After hours of sitting we decided it was time to leave. Jen and Trystan continued on to a friends house, and we made our way back to town to get coffee and breakfast and try stay awake until Mark came to pick us up. At about 8:30am we found a hotel cafe that was open and probably sat there for 2 hours. Then we headed to Macca Dees and chilled there for a further few hours. Eventually Mark picked us up and we got to their house. Had a roast and some much needed sleep.
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