BEHOLD WARLOCK! good citations have been brought from above. Stories of dragons and fiends have been from from the fields. they have been such of an absence lateyly. as the crayon children have gotten hold of everything.
seems to me that from the depths of the forgotten land the miniatures from the death vally have also caught on. so we are not alone.
never! AS I AM WARLOCK KING FROM THE AND OF the five headed lion king.
ten decades have passed from since the land was once subsided in these walls.
now these are the days when the wind blows wth the stench of tangents are crosses
pachoo. let the crystal party begin round about the end of the calendar year. let there be sun, grass and crystals by the handful.
slurp your cider young children. Gather round so i can push you over and tell you a story of long ago.....
In the months following the massacre of Brian Jonestown, evil queen Paranoia reigned all the land. Her good sister Mischa, rightful ruler of the land, was locked away bacause her looks were so unfortunate and nobody could bear look at her.
Sir Johnathan Depp, owner of all the towns horses and lead singer of the local town band, fell in love with Mischa despiter her unfortunate looks. Maybe he played too much nintendo wii.
too much tak and not enough action WARLOCK! it is just ike all your kind. your talk is endless and with little truth. All i leave with you are these few words. the words which will ring inyour ears till death do you part and we meet gain.
gone in a thunder of radio active storm cauldron matte film.
silence stands in the land.
days without light, and a journey without meaning. turtles soon take over. thud thud. a ring. a blast a CHUNG! whistle and a bellow. rockets wind. rockets. explosion.

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