Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sunday Roast

After a weekend filled with mayhem, we all woke up Sunday morning and cleaned like we had never cleaned before.
We did washing, and went to the supermarket, and replaced all our dead downlights.
Now Slut Alley is a work of art.

Then we cooked up a celebratory roast, Slut Alley style. With wine, and candles, and an entree of smoked herbs, and a whole bag of potatoes, and chicken, and gravy, and apple crumble with custard, and after dinner menthol cigarettes, and mmmmm.

Oh we are livin' the life


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Because it's nearly 6am and I can't sleep

I've spent the night/morning looking through our blog and I realised something was missing. I don't even know how it got missed. I spent so many hours making this goddamn ridiculous thing. It's so lifelike too. I'm sure millballz was actually wearing that stripy top at time that we got attacked by the crazy old man from Tenoji and then the super ninja turtle saved us

Oh Japlan

I think it's time I got some sleeep


Monday, April 13, 2009

The Easter bunny got me nuts

Oh Easter weekend. 4 nights, rolled into one massive kick-on

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sunday Brews

Well St Jeromes might be gone, but Sunday brews lives on. We went to the footy on Sunday afternoon and enjoyed the sunny day with goon in slurpee cups. Goopee?
