Thursday, September 10, 2009

Japlan Number 2

Lessons learnt from the first time...

- Don't stay in $15 hotels! They are probably designed to house dirty minded old business men, in a bad area filled with sex shops and many many more dirty minded old men

- ALWAYS sit in the smoking carriage in the trains. Japan is full of novel ideas, and this is the best one

- Legal drinking age is 20... not 18 duh

- Go to more bars and clubs now that we ARE over 20

- Luggage is a pain in the ass. Ditch it

- Buy more disposable cameras and film because they are near impossible to re-fill in Australia

- Don't leave your awesome plastic umbrella in the train!

- Eat something other than Macca Dees, but still attempt to try everything on the Maccas menu =P 

- Make friends with the locals

- Buy more stuff! You're on holiday stupid! Splurge a little

- Hang out at parks like the locals

- Start drinking earlier in the day to avoid wasting the next day on a hangover

- Bring back more Kool Boost cigarettes! You WILL miss them when you run out and savour your very last one 'til new years. Yes, they ARE that amazing

- If there is peach toilet paper in the hotel, STEAL IT!!!

3 days to go, and counting =)


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Meow meow

Spring has sprung. Everybody seems to have gained a whole new lease on life, myself included
Amazing what a little sunshine can do

I have decided my new year started on my birthday, so I have set a New Years resolution. I haven't been to nearly as many gigs as I'd like to in the last 6 months, so I plan to go to many many more in the near future

This video brought me smiles. And these guys are touring in November. Win
