Sunday, March 8, 2009

Scare night? Funny story about that...

I don't have photos, because well taking a camera to see The Scare is not advisable!
It was an unusual night. Everyone got pretty wasted at our place beforehand. There were ice fights, shaving cream in peoples eyes, people jumping out of our kitchen window. It got pretty crazy.
Then at Roxanne I'm pretty sure Daniel pissed off a lot of people. Including his own beloved band The Scare ahhahhaa. They really don't like him. Owned.
We danced. There were strobes. We love strobes. Then we went to Inner City Waste, well sort-of. We sat out front on milk crates for 4 hours or so. We were the resident homeless. Funny story about that... we can't help being homeless. It's not Millie's fault her dad was a coke dealer. And it's not my fault that my dad was her dad's best customer. And it's not our fault we were force fed drugs as tiny kildren and taken away by DHS. Yep we spun a lot of bullshit on Friday night. And we made a few new friends in doing so.
Then we kicked-on! Yeahh KicKk onnn!! Up In SMoke tour 2001 is going the be the soundtrack of our 2009.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

want to know another funny story? well, i think my dad used to buy coke from your dad too. small world aye