Saturday, June 13, 2009

Here in my car I feel safest of all

We love roadtrips
We missed our turnoff to Daylesford and almost headed to Radelaide, but a quick turnaround and a good bush bash got us back on course
Set up our tent in the back of our friend's holiday house, and kept warm by squishing the 5 of us in a 3 man tent 

Me, Millballz and Mothcontrol ended up going for a late night adventure walk down the road, and lay on the road watching the stars. Fear of traffic then persuaded us to head back to the tent for a few hours restless sleep, before heading off again first thing in the morning

We made a number of pit stops on the way back to Melbourne. First was Macca Dees for breakfast. Then to 'The Cross'; a rather bizarre hill with little prayer rooms and the stations of the cross around it, and a big neon cross on top

We continued to head back to Melbourne, but the sun came out and we felt our adventure was not yet over. Another course change lead us to Caitlin's house which burnt down in the Black Saturday bushfires. We found dress-ups in the shed and went for a wander in her mum's Japanese garden and soaked up the sun

- Jac

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